There is no clear record or evidence of the inventor of wordless printing. Therefore, according to the information provided, I do not know who invented the wordless printing.
The founder of printing was the Dutchman Bi Sheng (printer). He invented movable type printing in 1402, which was the first of its kind in modern printing. His printing technology could not only print words but also images and patterns. His printing technique used a movable type printing press to put the printed ink and paper into the printing press to print words and images by pressing and rotating the movable type. Bi Sheng's printing technology had a profound impact on the development of printing technology and became the foundation of modern printing technology.
The founder of printing was Copernicus. In the early 16th century, he proposed the Heliocentric Theory that the sun was the center of the universe rather than the Earth. This theory had a huge impact on the scientific community at that time, leading to new explorations of the origin of the universe. Since then, printing technology had gradually developed with Copernicus 'theory, laying the foundation for the later printing industry.
The inventor of stocks could be traced back to the 17th century in England, when people began to use bonds to represent part of the ownership. In the 19th century, the stock market began to develop. By buying stocks, investors could share in the success and profits of the company. With the development of the modern financial market, stocks had become one of the most important investment tools in the world.
AD was a calendar created by the Italian doctor and philosopher Aloysius Lilius to reform the Julian calendar. It was approved and promulgated by Pope Gregory III in 1582. The year of the Christian era began with the birth of Jesus.
Fanfiction can't be traced back to one specific inventor. It developed gradually as fans began sharing their own takes on beloved works. Different communities and individuals contributed to its growth over time.
The development of novels can't be credited to one individual. It was a gradual process influenced by various literary traditions and cultural factors. Different cultures and periods had their own forms of storytelling that eventually led to the modern concept of a novel.
Manga has evolved over many years with influences from various artists and cultures. So, pinpointing one inventor is quite challenging. Different styles and techniques emerged gradually, shaping what we know as manga today.
The invention of comics is a bit hard to attribute to a single person. It evolved over time with contributions from many.
Words were invented by humans to record sounds and symbols. As time passed, words gradually developed into an art used to express emotions and thoughts. The invention of the written language made a great contribution to the development of human civilization, allowing humans to communicate more efficiently.