Detective Conan was a manga series created by Japanese manga artist Aoyama Gangchang. It was published in Shueisha's weekly Shonen Jump in 1994. The manga had been in series for many years and had a wide range of readers around the world.
Detective Conan was a mystery manga created by the Japanese manga artist Aoyama Gangchang. It was first published in 1994 by the Japanese manga artist Aoyama Gangchang's magazine, Weekly Shōnen Jump.
Detective Conan was a manga series created by Japanese manga artist Aoyama Gangchang, which was released in 1994. The story of the work revolved around the high school detective Kudo Shinichi and his ally, Conan, as well as the members of the Detective Shōnen Group. They solved various crimes. It had gone through many years of serialisation and continuous updates to become one of the representative works of the Japanese comics industry.
" Detective Conan " was a detective and mystery manga created by Japanese manga artist Aoyama Gangchang. It was published in the weekly Shōnen Jump in 1994.
Detective Conan was a Japanese manga. The animated version of the series began airing in the mainland of China in 2004.
Detective Conan's comic series began in 1994.
Detective Conan was a manga created by the Japanese manga artist Aoyama Gangchang, which was first published in 1994. The manga was set in Tokyo, Japan. It was about a high school detective, Kudo Shinichi, who was forced to take a small medicine while investigating the dark organization. He became a primary school student, Conan. Together, they exposed the organization's conspiracy and protected the innocent.
Yes, Detective Conan was still in series. It first appeared in 1994 as a manga work by Japanese manga artist Aoyama Gangchang. Since then, it has been one of the most popular Japanese comics and has a large number of fans around the world. Although it had been suspended many times, it was still being serialised in Japanese manga magazines and had recently released some new content.
Detective Conan is a Japanese manga that is still in series. The work was created by Aoyama Gangchang and had been published in 1994 for more than 20 years. Although the manga had been completed, the author Aoyama Gangchang had been trying to create new storylines to keep the readers interested. At the same time, the work was also adapted into animation, games and other forms, becoming an indispensable part of Japanese culture.
Yes, Detective Conan was still in series.
Detective Conan was a mystery manga created by Japanese manga artist Aoyama Gangchang. It was officially completed on April 18, 2011.