To add text at the bottom of the page, you can use <a>tags and <span>tags in the browser. Use <a>tags to create a link to another page or text. <a>The tag's tiff attribute is set to the link's address and the text attribute is set to the text to be displayed. For example, the following code will display a new text at the bottom of the webpage: ```html <a href=https://wwwexamplecom/>Add some text here</a> ``` You can use <span>tags to create an in-line text. <span>The style attribute of the tag can set the style of the text such as font, color, size, etc. For example, the following code will create a red text: ```html <span style=color: red; font-size: 12px;>Add some text here</span> ``` Add the above code to the webpage to add text to the bottom of the webpage. When the user clicks on the link or copies the text, it will appear at the bottom of the page.