1 You can't always get what you want but if you try you may get what you need - The quote from I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston 2 You can't go home again You can only go forward - The quote from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee 3 The only way to get to the top is to work hard and be consistent - The quote from The Social Network by Facebook 4 You're not alone You're with me - The quote from The Pursuit of Happyness by Apple Inc 5 There's no such thing as a perfect life Just make the best of it - The quote from 7시 by Wes Anderson 6 Life is like a box of chocolates You never know what you're gonna get - The quote from The chocolate Factory by LQ Smith 7 If you want to go fast go alone If you want to go far go together - The quote from The Matrix by Smith 8 The most important thing is not to get what you want but to get where you want to be - The quote from To Build a Fire by REM 9 If you can't do it on your own you don't have the strength to do it - The quote from I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston 10 Life is a journey not a destination - The quote from Thelma & Louise by Dr Dre and Louiseridge
Okay, here are the classic sentences from five English movies: 1 The power of the human mind is not limited to the thoughts we can think but rather the thoughts we can't control - from 1984 (1984) 2 To ask why we fight and the answer is always the same: We don't want to be left behind - from Lolita (1962) (also from Lolita (1956)) 3 Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get - from The Shawshank Redemption (1994) (also from The Dark Knight (1989)) 4 If you want to go fast go alone If you want to go far go together - from The Matrix (1999) (also from The Matrix Revisited (2003)) 5 There's no such thing as a perfect score Just as there's no such thing as a perfect person - from The Godfather (1972) (also from The Godfather Part II (1974))
1 To be or not to be that is the question - Shakespeare Hamlet Out of the frying pan into the fire The world will not end today if I were to die tomorrow -Ernest Hemmingway, the sun rises as usual If you can't do something yourself you should at least try to learn from others -Hugo Miserable World The past is a reference, not a guide -The Tempest by William All that glitters is not gold The future is uncertain but the past is forgivable The key to success is not hard work but determination You can't judge a book by its cover -A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens To succeed you need to be a failure first -Oprah Winfrey becomes a millionaire If you want to go fast, go alone, If you want to go far, go together. You can't predict the future but you can make plans for the present -Robert McNamara Wildfire In the end it's not about the destination but the journey The best way to learn is to teach The road to success is not smooth, it's always bumpy In life you will meet many people who will try to keep you down You can't change the past but you can learn from it. You can't predict the future but you can make plans for the present -Robert McNamara Wildfire You can't control others but you can control your own thoughts The most important thing is not to focus on the end but to focus on the process -Robert McNamara Wildfire The only way to learn is to teach You are not your past, you are not your future, you are only your present -Albert Einstein's theory of relativity The key to happiness is not having too much but not too little If you want to achieve something you have to be willing to take risks -Nikola Tesla You can't always predict the future but you can always prepare for it. The only way to be happy is to be kind -Madeleine Hemmingway Farewell to Arms You can't control others but you can control your own actions -Robert McNamara Wildfire In life it's about choices and how you choose to act on those choices The most important thing is not to be afraid of failure but to learn from it You are not your health, you are not your wealth, you are only your mind -Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativeness The only way to truly grow is to learn from the past In life we all have to make choices and some choices are not easy The most important thing is to have a purpose and to fulfill that purpose -Nikola Tesla, inventor You can't always predict the future but you can always make plans for the present -Robert McNamara Wildfire The only way to be successful is to be consistent In the end it's about what you want for yourself, not about what others want for you. -Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativeness You can't always control the future but you can control your own actions -Robert McNamara Wildfire The key to success is not hard work but determination In life we all have to make choices and some choices are not easy The only way to be happy is to be kind -Madeleine Hemingway Farewell to Arms The only way to truly grow is to learn from the past In the end it's about what you want for yourself, not about what others want for you -Albert Einstein's theory of relativity The most important thing is to have a vision and to work towards that vision You can't always predict the future but you can always make plans for the present -Robert McNamara Wildfire The key to success is not intelligence but hard work In life we all have to make choices and some choices are not easy The only way to be happy is to be kind -Madeleine Hemingway Farewell to Arms The only way to truly grow is to learn from the past In the end it's about what you want for yourself, not about what others want for you -Albert Einstein's theory of relativity You can't always predict the future but you can always make plans for the present -Robert McNamara Wildfire
To me the world is not about what is in it but about what is out of it.
Of course, the following are some good sentences from English novels or movies: 1 The road ahead may be difficult but if you stay focused on the present you can make it through to the other side - Ilya Shefalievsky The Farewell 2 Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get - This quote from The Shawshank Redemption 3 You can't judge a book by its cover - This quote from The Great Gatsby 4 If you want to go fast go alone If you want to go far go together - This quote from The Matrix 5 You can't connect two dots looking forward from the past - This quote from The connect-the-dots game 6 You can't predict the future but you can create a plan for it - This quote from The Godfather 7 The only way to get to the bottom of a problem is to start from the top - This quote from The Art of War 8 You can't get where you're going by going there - This quote from The Matrix 9 Life is short Make the most of it - This quote from The Catcher in the Rye 10 You have to believe in yourself to achieve anything - This quote from The Great Gatsby
Which two English phrases do you need to translate?
1 The road ahead may be difficult but if you keep moving you will find a way -- byle m cummings 2 To succeed you must first fail -- by gollygolly Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get --by h m r h If you want to go fast go alone If you want to go far go together The most important thing in life is not what you have but what you are worth 6 If you want to know where you're going just keep walking -- by lfShelley There is no greater love than this: to lay one's head on the hands of one's beloved -- by Blumen-Mont Blanc You Can't Judge a Book by Its Cover -- by JD Salinger The only way to know if you're a good person is to try and do good You can't predict the future but you can make plans -- by JB Spielberg
This quote was from the inspirational movie Strength from Weakness.
The English translation of Macau is Mandarin Bay.
As long as you are kind and have a heart of gold you will find happiness in this world - from The arrogance and prejudice I'm not a good person I'm a just person - from The Pride and Predict You are the one I have been looking for - from The Pride and Predict I do not have a lot of money but I have a heart that is rich - from The pride and prejudice Love is a beautiful thing but it's also dangerous - from The Pride and Predict
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain. If you want to succeed, there is no excuse. If you want an excuse, it is impossible to succeed! The easiest thing in the world is to delay time. No one is born to have a smooth life. Every failure is a fortune, every setback is an opportunity.