The list of animated films is as follows: 1 Up 2 Shrek 3 Cinderella (The Cynpsons) Despicable Me 5. Toy Story Frozen (6) The Croods 8. Long Hair Princess (Tangled) Suicide Squad (Suicide Squad)(Suicide Squad is a very dark animated movie, not recommended for timid viewers) How to Train Your Dragon In addition to the above-mentioned recommended animated films, there are many other excellent animated films such as: 1. The Sequel to Up: The Dystopian WALL-E 2. The Sequel to Toy Story: Pixar's "Toy Story 2: Treasure Hunt" 3. Frozen's Sequel: Anna and the King 4. The Dragon Trainer's Sequel: The Croods: New Breath 5. Suicide Squad's Sequel: Suicide Squad 2 (Suicide Squad 2: The Rise of the Fighting Nation) These movies were all worth watching. They had deep emotions and stories, as well as amazing visual effects and music.