Could this lukewarm Chinese comic be popular abroad after Wangfei bought the copyright to Nezha's Rebirth? Although " Nezha's Rebirth " had been released in China and achieved good box office results, its overseas performance was still uncertain. Due to cultural differences, language barriers, and translation problems, Chinese comics often did not perform as well in the overseas market as they did in the Chinese market. However, in recent years, Chinese cartoons had gradually emerged in the international market and achieved some success stories. For example, works such as Nezha and Nine Songs of Heaven had already gained a certain reputation and box office results in the overseas market. Therefore, if Nezha's Rebirth could be seriously produced and targeted at the overseas market for publicity and promotion, it might also achieve good results in the overseas market. Although " Nezha's Rebirth " had been released in China and achieved good box office results, its overseas performance was still uncertain. However, in recent years, Chinese cartoons had gradually emerged in the international market and achieved some success stories. Therefore, if Nezha's Rebirth could be seriously produced and targeted at the overseas market for publicity and promotion, it might also achieve good results in the overseas market.