Detective Conan Special refers to the chapters or short stories in the Conan series created by Aoyama Gangchang, not the complete series. So far, Detective Conan has more than 200 special episodes. The following are some of the classic episodes and names: - Murderer, Enterprise, and Conan - Conan, Heiji, and the Disappearing Teenager - The Crossroads of the Labyrinth - Detective Group VS Strange Thief Kidd - Silver Wing's Magician - The Target Is Kogoro - The Detective's Night Song - Detective Team VS Dark Organization - Magician at the End of the 17th Century - Detective's Night of Reasoning - The Weirdo at the Convenience Store - Face to Face with the Dark Organization - Detective Conan: Tracking the Missing Diamond - Conan VS Strange Thief KID - The Labyrinth's Crossroads (Final Words) In addition to the special episodes, Detective Conan also had some good classic episodes such as: - 50-59: The story of Conan before he became small is one of the classics in the Detective Conan series. - 68-70: Conan and the members of the Junior Detective Group solve the case together. The atmosphere is tense and exciting. - 77-78: Conan and the members of the Junior Detective Group work together to solve major cases, showing their wisdom and courage. - 86-88: Conan and the members of the Junior Detective Group search for missing people to reveal the truth hidden in the darkness. These are some of the more classic episodes of Detective Conan. Each episode is full of thrills and wisdom, and it's worth watching.