The Stargate series was a science fiction series by Isaac, which included Stargate, Star Trek, Interstellar, and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. The best order to watch the Stargate series is the order of the novel so that you can better understand the plot and character development. You can watch it in the following order: Stargate: The first book of the novel tells the story of a spaceship that encounters a mysterious event in interstellar space that causes time and space to distort. 2 Star Trek: The second part of the novel tells the adventures of the Earth exploration team in interstellar space. They encounter mysterious alien life and dangerous environments. 3 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The third book of the novel tells the story of the Earth exploration team continuing to explore the mysterious ninth space in interstellar space. 4. Stargate: The Origins of Star Trek: The fourth book of the novel tells the story of a starship that encounters a mysterious event in interstellar space that causes time and space to distort. The origin of the event can be traced back to the Stargate incident. If you watch it in this order, you can better understand the plot of the novel, the development of the characters, and the interpretation of the movie.