As an art form, movies have many advantages and disadvantages. Here are some possible effects: Benefits: 1. Entertainment: The movie can allow the audience to relax and bring entertainment and happiness while enjoying the plot, music and visual effects. 2. Inspiration: Many movies explore social and human issues that can make the audience think and explore these issues in depth. 3. Broadening one's horizons: Movies can allow the audience to understand different cultures and lifestyle, broaden their horizons, and increase their understanding of the world. 4. Raise artistic quality: Through watching movies, audiences can learn different art forms and techniques to improve their artistic quality. Weakness: 1. High Consumption: Movies are a high-consumption art form that requires a certain amount of time and money to watch. 2. Affect life: Some movies may have a negative impact on the lives of the audience, such as being overly addicted to the movie or having a negative impact on real life. 3. Subjective evaluation: Everyone's opinion of a movie is subjective. They may have different opinions and opinions on a movie. 4. Over-commercial: Some movies may be over-commercial in pursuit of short-term profits, ignoring the artistic value and significance of the movie itself. As an art form, movies had both advantages and disadvantages. The audience should be open-minded and choose different types of movies according to their own needs and interests.