To check if an article was original, one could start from the following aspects: 1 Duplication Checking Tools: You can use some online duplicate checking tools such as Mummarly, Turnitin, etc. to check if the article is similar to other texts. These tools usually detect similar sentences or passages, but they can also detect some original content. 2. Search tools: Use a search engine to search for the title or keywords of an article to see if other websites have published similar content. If there is, it means that the article may be a pseudo-original or plagiarized content. 3. Temporal clues: Check whether the time stamp of the article is correct and whether the time of publication of the article is related to other times. If an article was published at an unrelated time or very late, then it might not be original. 4. Author Information: Check if the article has the author's information such as the author's name, website, or other contact information. If not, then the article might not be original. There were also some tools that could help determine whether an article was fake or not. For example, some websites provided an "original detection" function to check if the article had been published by other websites. There are also online tools that can detect whether an article has used other people's copyrights, such as pictures or music. However, it should be noted that the accuracy and reliability of these tools may not be very high, so they should be used with caution.