"Detective Conan" was a mystery manga created by the Japanese manga artist Aoyama Gangchang. It told the story of a high school detective, Kudo Shinichi, who was forced to take a small medicine to become a primary school student, Conan, while investigating the dark organization. Together with the primary school student, they exposed the organization's conspiracy and solved a series of cases. The story was set in Tokyo, Japan. It was mainly about a high school detective, Kudo Shinichi, who was forced to take a small medicine while investigating the dark organization. He became a primary school student, Conan. Together with Conan, they exposed the organization's conspiracy and solved a series of cases. Each case had its own unique clues and plot. At the same time, there were many characters appearing and interacting, making the whole story full of suspense and tension. In the story, the Dark Organization was a criminal group formed by extreme organizations. Their goal was to destroy the peace and security of Japan. There were many important characters in the story, including members of the organization, police officers, doctors, lawyers, and so on. Each character had their own unique personality and motivation, making the story more colorful. Detective Conan had become a very popular Japanese manga. Not only did it enjoy a high status in the manga industry, but it also had many fans in Japan and China.