Spirited Away was an animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It told the story of a young girl, Spirited Away, who had an adventure between the mysterious spirit world and the real world. If I watch this movie ten years later, I will have a different feeling. First of all, I would like to think of the profound philosophical thinking contained in this movie. Through Qian Xun's experience, the movie explored the meaning of life, the process of growing up, and the question of self-seeking and finding answers. These questions are not only applicable to Qian Xun, but also to all of us. Secondly, I will think of the fantasy world of technology and magic in this movie. The world in the movie was very large, with rich settings and details. At the same time, it also showed the contradiction and interaction between technology and magic. This combination of technology and magic not only reminded people of the future development of technology, but also made people think about the impact of the combination of technology and magic on humans. Finally, I will think of the value and concern for life and humanity shown in this movie. The protagonist in the movie, Qian Xun, was able to maintain her love for life and care for humanity despite all kinds of difficulties. This kind of value was deeply reflected in the movie, and it also inspired us to cherish life and pay attention to humanity in life. Ten years later, when I watch Qianxun again, I will feel the deep philosophical thinking, the combination of technology and magic, and the cherishment and concern for life and humanity contained in this movie. This movie was not only an excellent animated film, but also a work with deep thinking value.