There were many movies about the student era. The following were a few of the more classic ones: 1 The Shawshank Redemption: This classic film, directed by Frank Darabonte and starred by Tim Robins and Morgan Freeman, tells the story of a banker who was wrongly accused of killing his wife and was imprisoned for two years, but how he used his wisdom and perseverance to win freedom. The Dead Poets Society: This is a film directed by Peter Weir, which tells the story of a teacher leading a group of students to participate in the Dead Poets Society, allowing them to escape violence and depression and pursue true freedom and happiness. 3 The Pursuit of Happyness: This is a film directed by Kristoff Nolan, about a father who is struggling to give his child a better life. 4 Spirited Away: This is an animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki, which tells the story of a girl named Qianxun growing up in a mysterious and supernatural world. The film received high international reviews and was hailed as one of the representative works of animated films. 5 Life of Pi: This is a movie directed by Ang Lee, which tells the story of a young Indian boy named Pi who was shipwrecked and drifted in the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger for 227 days. This film received high international acclaim and was hailed as the modern version of the " Pianist of the Sea."