Dungeon Fighter Online was an action role-playing game developed and published by Tengxun Games. In the game, players could choose different classes to play, and the berserker was one of them. Berserkers were melee classes known for their powerful attack power and explosive ability. In the game, a berserker was usually portrayed as a fearless and brave warrior who was good at using all kinds of weapons to fight. The characteristics of the Berserker class included: - [Powerful Attack Power: Berserkers have excellent physical attack power and can quickly defeat enemies.] - [Explosive Ability: Berserkers can release powerful explosive skills when they are in a state of anger, causing huge damage.] - [Multiple weapons: Berserkers can use a variety of weapons in battle, including katana, greatsword, Revolver, etc.] In the game, berserkers usually needed to cooperate with other classes to maximize their combat power.