Ma Yun once said that he was not interested in money. Did rich people value money in real life? This question involved people with different values and views on money. Some people may think that money is just a tool to help them achieve their wishes and goals, and not something they are really interested in. But there are also many people who value money very much because it represents their social status, wealth and quality of life. In today's society, rich people's views and attitudes towards money varied according to their personal background, experience, values, and other factors. Some people may manage their finances very carefully to ensure that their wealth continues to bring them a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Others may be more eager to pursue business success and wealth to realize their dreams and ambitions. Money plays a very important role in human society. It affects people's social relationships, quality of life, and investment decisions. Therefore, rich people's views and attitudes towards money also reflected their consideration of their own and society's value and contribution.