The classic inspirational movies and books were as follows: 1 The Shawshank Redemption: A movie directed by Frank Drabonte and starred by Tim Robbin and Morgan Freeman. The film tells the story of a banker who, after being wrongly convicted and imprisoned, wins freedom and happiness through his wisdom and perseverance. 2. Forrest Gump: A movie directed by Robert Zemecris and starred in Tom Hanks. The film tells the story of a man with a low IQ, but he was optimistic, brave and strong. 3. Life of Pi: A feature film directed by Ang Lee and starred in Sula Sharma. The film told the story of a young Indian boy, ShawnPi, who drifted in the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger for 227 days after his ship was shipwrecked. 4. Alive: A feature film directed by Zhang Yimou and starred by Yu Hua. The film tells the story of a Chinese farmer's experience during the Anti-Japanese War and the War of Liberation, showing his indomitable will to survive and perseverance. 5. Soldier Assault: A feature film directed by Feng Xiaogang and starred by Xu Sanduo. The film described the growth and struggle of an ordinary soldier in the army, showing the spirit of the Chinese army and the fighting spirit of the soldiers.