Detective Conan was a Japanese mystery manga and animation that revolved around Conan (Kudo Shinichi) and his elementary school assistant, Conan Doyle. Here are some of the highlights: Tracking Simultaneously (Part 1) Tracking Simultaneously (Part 2) Members of the Dark Organization (Negotiations) Members of the Dark Organization (Pursuit) Members of the Dark Organization Members of the Dark Organization Members of the Dark Organization Members of the Dark Organization (Despair) The Magician at the End of the 9494th Century (Part 1) Magician at the End of the 10495th Century (II) Detective's Memorial (Part 1) The Detective's Memorial (Part 2) The Crossroads of the Maze (Part 1) The Crossroads of the Maze (Part 2) Silver Wing's Magician (Part 1) Silver Wing's Magician (Part 2) Detective on the Horizontal Line (Part 1) Detective on the Horizontal Line (Part 2) 19,534 Detective Conan Detective Conan (Star Pupil) Detective Conan (The Sealed Detective) Detective Conan (Inferential Tracking) Detective Conan (Red School Tour) 24,539 Detective Conan Detective Conan (Black Impact) Detective Conan (Fans of detectives) Detective Conan (Tracking Trap) Detective Conan (Spiral of Silence) Detective Conan (Summer's Mystery) Detective Conan (The Crossroads of the Maze) Detective Conan (Silver Wing's Magician) 32,547 Detective Conan (Detective's Mourning Party) Detective Conan (Red School Tour) Detective Conan (Investigation of Death) Detective Conan (Black Impact) Detective Conan (Fans of detectives) Detective Conan (Tracking Trap) Detective Conan (Spiral of Silence) Detective Conan (Summer's Mystery) Detective Conan (The Crossroads of the Maze) Detective Conan (Silver Wing's Magician) 42,557 Detective Conan (Detective's Mourning Party) Detective Conan (Red School Tour) Detective Conan (Investigation of Death) Detective Conan (Black Impact) Detective Conan (Fans of detectives) Detective Conan (Tracking Trap) Detective Conan (Spiral of Silence) Detective Conan (Summer's Mystery) Detective Conan (The Crossroads of the Maze) Detective Conan (Silver Wing's Magician) 52,567 Detective Conan (Detective's Mourning Party) Detective Conan (Red School Tour) Detective Conan (Investigation of Death) Detective Conan (Black Impact) Detective Conan (Fans of detectives) Detective Conan (Tracking Trap) Detective Conan (Spiral of Silence) Detective Conan (Summer's Mystery) Detective Conan (The Crossroads of the Maze) Detective Conan (Silver Wing's Magician) 62,577 Detective Conan (Detective's Mourning Party) Detective Conan (Red School Tour) Detective Conan (Investigation of Death) Detective Conan (Black Impact) Detective Conan (Fans of detectives) Detective Conan (Tracking Trap) Detective Conan (Spiral of Silence) Detective Conan (Summer's Mystery) Detective Conan (The Crossroads of the Maze) Detective Conan (Silver Wing's Magician) 72,587 Detective Conan (Detective's Mourning Party) Detective Conan (Red School Tour) Detective Conan (Investigation of Death) Detective Conan (Black Impact) Detective Conan (Fans of detectives) Detective Conan (Tracking Trap) Detective Conan (Spiral of Silence) Detective Conan (Summer's Mystery) Detective Conan (The Crossroads of the Maze) Detective Conan (Silver Wing's Magician) 82,597 Detective Conan (Detective's Mourning Party) Detective Conan (Red School Tour) Detective Conan (Investigation of Death) Detective Conan (Black Impact) Detective Conan (Fans of detectives) Detective Conan (Tracking Trap) Detective Conan (Spiral of Silence) Detective Conan (Summer's Mystery) Detective Conan (The Crossroads of the Maze) Detective Conan (Silver Wing's Magician) 92,607 Detective Conan (Detective's Mourning Party) Detective Conan (Red School Tour) Detective Conan (Investigation of Death) Detective Conan (Black Impact) 96,611 Detective Conan Detective Conan (Tracking Trap) Detective Conan (Spiral of Silence) Detective Conan (Summer's Mystery) Detective Conan (The Crossroads of the Maze) Detective Conan (Silver Wing's Magician) 102,617 Detective Conan (Detective's Mourning Party) Detective Conan (Red School Tour) Detective Conan (Investigation of Death) Detective Conan (Black Impact) Detective Conan (Fans of detectives) Detective Conan (Tracking Trap) Detective Conan (Spiral of Silence) Detective Conan (Summer's Mystery) Detective Conan (The Crossroads of the Maze) Detective Conan (Silver Wing's Magician) Detective Conan (Detective's Mourning Party) Detective Conan (Red School Tour) 11