Detective Conan was a Japanese manga and anime that told the story of a high school detective, Kudo Shinichi, who was forced to take a small medicine while investigating the dark organization. He became a primary school student, Conan, and then investigated the incident together with the primary school student, Conan. The main plot revolved around the reasoning of Conan and the members of the Detective Squad. The types of cases involved included murder, kidnapping, robbery, theft, and so on. Many mysterious organizations and characters appeared in the plot, as well as many mysteries and reversals. At the climax of the plot, Conan gradually revealed the truth of the Dark Organization and unveiled the veil of the organization with the other members of the Detective Group. The whole story was full of suspense, reasoning, and accidents, but it also showed the theme of human nature, friendship, and love. In the final mystery part, Conan and the other members of the detective team revealed the truth of the Dark Organization and successfully stopped the organization's plan. The ending of the whole story was also full of suspense and surprises, bringing a thrilling and exciting reasoning feast to the audience.