Naruto was a Japanese manga created by Kishimoto. The story tells the history, politics, and culture of the ninja world, as well as the struggles and conflicts between the various families. The story begins during the Second World War when the Japanese occupied the Ninja Village and turned them into the Japanese underground army. However, after the war ended, the Ninja Village declared its independence and began to fight against ninja organizations from other countries. Among them, Naruto Uzumaki, as the leader of the Ninja Village, and his friends began their adventure. They experienced many difficulties and challenges, including fighting ninja organizations from other countries and fighting enemies in the village. In this process, they gradually grew and established their own forces. The climax of the story happened after Naruto became a ninja master. He led a team of people with different abilities to fight against evil forces. In this battle, not only did they destroy the headquarters of the evil organization, but they also learned many new skills and strategies, laying a solid foundation for future battles. In the end, Naruto and his friends successfully destroyed the evil forces and maintained peace in the ninja world. The whole story ended with Naruto becoming a ninja master, leaving behind a future full of hope and dreams.