The following steps are needed to get the name entered in the first page to be printed in the hyperlinked page: 1 Enter your name in the first page and save it as a text file. 2 Use the grammar of the browser to add the text file as <input>part of the element to the second page's link. For example, suppose the first page is named Indexml and the second page is named Indexml #input_name. In the second page, create an element using the grammar <a>of the browser and set the address of the link to the path of the text file. For example, if the first page is called << data-annotation-container >>, and the second page is called < data-annotation-container >< data-annotation-container >>, then you can use the following code to create the <a>element: ``` "<a <br><br> Link Text</a> ``` 4 Save the second page as Indexml #input_name Now when the user enters a name in the first page and clicks on the link, the name will be added to the link text of the second page and displayed on the page.