Detective Conan Movie was a mystery film directed by Japanese director Aoyama Gangchang, which was released in 2005. The movie series consisted of 12 theatres, each of which told a unique story involving Conan and his friends solving various cases. The most famous one was Detective Conan: The Labyrinth of Crossroads. In this movie, Conan and his friends went to a city in Japan to explore various clues and discover the truth. Another famous movie was Detective Conan: Silver Wing's Magician. In this movie, Conan and his friends track down a mysterious magician and discover his true identity. There were also some other movies such as Detective Conan: The Detective on the Horizon, Detective Conan: The Dark Organization's Conspiracy, and so on. Each of them had many different elements and surprises.
Detective Conan and Kaneda had many different versions and adaptation, including movies, TV series, anime and manga. There were some interesting interactions and interactions between Detective Conan and Kaneda Yomi, such as some cameos in Detective Conan or appearing as Conan's ally in Kaneda Yizhong. However, there is currently no official movie version that combines the two series. Due to copyright issues and technical limitations, we are unable to see them in cinemas at the same time. If you are interested in the relevant movies or TV series, you are advised to inquire and understand through relevant media channels.
Detective Conan's movie version was sorted by year as follows: The Specter of Becker Street (2001) The Labyrinth's Crossroads (2002) Silver Wing's Magician (2004) The Weirdo on the Horizontal Line (2005) The Magician at the End of the Fifth Century (2006) The Assassin in the Pupils (2009) Countdown to Heaven (2010) The Detective's Requiem (2011) The Dark Pursuer (2013) Detective Conan: Conan Edogawa and the Lost Detective (2016) Please note that this list is not complete because every year, there will be a series that has not been released yet.
The names of the Detective Conan movies were as follows: 1 The Spectre of Becker Street (Becker Street no Goko) 2. The maze's crossroads (Myoji no Chigo) 3. Silver Wing's Magician (Silver Wing's Magician (Yinojo no Miyuu)) 4. Inference Event on the Horizontal Line (Goshi no Jeju Island) 5. Detonate the Skyscraper (Fire Hammer No Skyscraper (Kagura no Tower)) 6. The Case of the Twelve Earthly Branches (The Case of the Twelve Earthly Branches) 7. Requiem for the Detective (Touma no Hikari) 8 Fifteen Minutes of Silence The Magician at the End of the 9th Century 10 Countdown to Heaven (Tenno no Keigo no Monogatari (Tenno Keigo no Monogatari))
Detective Conan Movie Version Plot Introduction: The Detective Conan movie series was a mystery film created by the Japanese animation production company Aoyama Gangchang. Since its release in 2004, it had been released every year in Japan and other countries. The series used Conan as the protagonist to expose various murders, crimes, detectives, and suspense through his perspective. The following is the plot introduction of Detective Conan: Detective Conan: The Labyrinth of Crossroads (2005) The story takes place in Tokyo, Japan. Conan and Kogoro, a member of the Junior Detective Group, investigate a female death case together. They discovered that there was a dark organization behind the case, and there was an even bigger secret behind the organization. Detective Conan: Silver Wing's Magician (2009) The story takes place in the world of magicians in Japan. Conan and his young detective team member, Kogoro, investigate a case involving magic together. They discovered that there was a dark organization behind the case, and there was an even bigger secret behind the organization. Detective Conan: The Detective's Tremble (2012) The story takes place in the detective world of Japan. Conan and his young detective team member, Kogoro, investigate a case involving detectives together. They discovered that there was a dark organization behind the case, and there was an even bigger secret behind the organization. 4 Detective Conan: 15 Minutes of Silence (2015) The story takes place in Tokyo Tower, Japan. Conan and his detective team member, Kogoro, investigate a bomb case together. During the investigation, they found clues about the organization and successfully stopped the bomb from exploding. 5 Detective Conan: Courting the Black Witch (2019) The story takes place in Kyoto, Japan. Conan and his young detective team member, Kogoro, investigate a case involving love. During the investigation, they found clues about the organization and finally successfully stopped the organization's plan.
There were four Detective Conan movies: Detective Conan: Detonating Skyscrapers Detective Conan: The Labyrinth of Crossroads Detective Conan: Silver Wing's Magician Detective Conan: The Detective's Trembling Maze These movies were first released in 2007 and are still popular with fans.
There are many classic sentences in the movie version of Detective Conan. The following are some examples: The truth will always come out. Only I can keep you safe. You never know how smart the people around you are. Heaven is watching good and evil, and there will be retribution in the end. This world is very complicated, but we can still continue to believe in miracles. I won't say anything without evidence. I won't give up unless I have no chance. Everyone has their own story behind them. Don't hurt others easily. Don't give up hope even if it seems difficult now. What should come will come. All we need to do is wait and persevere.
There are many classic sentences in the movie version of Detective Conan. Here are some of them: There was always only one truth! Suspect X's sacrifice! 3. Solve the mystery and reveal the truth! The fourth criminal is you! Don't give up, we will definitely succeed! The targets were Conan, Doyle, and Yoshikawa Shuichi! The detectives trembled! Shinichi VS Bandit KID! Track the shadow and uncover the truth of the Dark Organization! A magician at the end of the 9th century! The target is Kogoro! 11 Concubine Yingli VS Kudo Shinichi! The assassin in the 12 pupils!
The most classic sentence in the movie version of Detective Conan should be " There is always only one truth!" This sentence appeared in the movie version of Detective Conan: The Detective of the Ocean. It was what the protagonist Conan said when he faced an unknown murderer to express his pursuit and persistence for the truth. This sentence also became one of the classic lines in the Conan series and was deeply loved by the audience.
Here are some classic sentences from the movie version of Conan: The truth will always come out! (The truth will always come out! Don't give up! The second criminal is you! (The criminal is you! Don't hide yourself!) Show me your evidence! Show me your evidence! Witnesses, please do not be silent! (Witnesses, please do not be silent!) Everyone has secrets! (Everyone has secrets!) We will set off immediately after solving this puzzle! (We'll set off immediately after solving this puzzle!) Don't let it happen again! (Don't let it happen again!) 8 Take Action! (Show me your actions!) Don't give up easily! (Don't give up so easily!) The tracker is you! (The tracker is you! Don't hide yourself!) These sentences showed the exciting plot and suspense atmosphere in the movie version of Detective Conan, leaving a deep impression on the audience.
Detective Conan was a very popular mystery animated film in Japan. Its TV and movie versions were widely welcomed. The following is the Detective Conan TV version and the theater version of the play in order: TV Version: Detective Conan (2001) Two Detective Conan (2005) Three Detective Conan (2006) Four Detective Conan (2007) Five Detective Conan (2009) Six Detective Conan (2010) Seven Detective Conan (2011) 8 Detective Conan (2013) Nine Detective Conan (2015) 10 Detective Conan (2016) 11 Detective Conan (2017) 12 Detective Conan (2019) Movie version: Detective Conan: The Labyrinth of Crossroads (2005) Two Detective Conan: Silver Wing's Magician (2007) Three Detective Conan: The Detective's Requiem (2009) Detective Conan: The Dark Pursuer (2010) Detective Conan: Fifteen Minutes of Silence (2011) Detective Conan: Death's Dice (2013) Seven Detective Conan: Ship in the Sky (2015) 8 Detective Conan: The Detective's Battle (2016) 9 Detective Conan: The Detective of the Ocean (2017) 10 Detective Conan: The Fight of the Detective (2019) The above is the TV version and the movie version of Detective Conan. If you have any other questions, please let me know.