Making a handwritten newspaper is a good idea because it can not only show your love for reading but also convey your knowledge and opinions to others. Here are some suggestions for making a handwritten reading report: 1. Choose a topic: Choose a book that interests you or a topic related to reading such as literature, history, science, etc. 2. Design the layout: Before starting to make the handwritten newspaper, design a layout including the title, author, introduction, keywords, page number, etc. You can use an art software or hand-write to design the layout. 3. Add content: Add text, pictures, citations, annotations, etc. to enrich the content of the handwritten report. When adding content, pay attention to typography and format to ensure comfortable and beautiful reading. 4. Typography and decoration: After completing the content, you can type and decorate the handwritten report. You can use art software or handwriting to add titles, illustrations, page numbers, and so on. He could also add some decorations such as lace, shadows, and font to increase the aesthetics of the handwritten newspaper. 5. Show the effect: Finally, pay attention to the effect of the handwritten report. You can choose to display the handwritten report in class, school, or community to let more people see your work. Students or teachers could be invited to check and comment on the work during the exhibition to improve and perfect it. I hope these suggestions can help you make an excellent handwritten newspaper!