House of Cards was an American political drama created by William Yubin. It told the story of an ambitious member of parliament who rose to power on the political stage and eventually became president. Here are some amazing lines from House of Cards: Power is a funny thing It comes to people who don't want it and when you get it you don't know what to do with it. The only way to be a true leader is to have your people hate you - Robert Wick The only way to be a good political candidate is to be a good politician - Brne Hanke Power comes from the same place as respect It's not something you get from having a lot of money It's something you get from having the right people by your side I'm not a politician, I'm a statesman A leader is not just a person who has a lot of power A leader is a person who has the power to give power to others You can't fix something that's not broken -Donald 8 Ultimately the most important thing is not whether we're winning or losing The most important thing is whether we're living up to our potential 9 The people who matter most in this world are not those who have the most power They're not even those who have the most money They're those who have the right kind of power and who use it for the right reasons In the End It's Not About the Numbers It's About the Impact These lines demonstrated the wisdom, courage, and morality of politicians and leaders. They were not only the most memorable lines in House of Cards, but also classic phrases in politics and leadership.