Slam Dunk was a basketball manga created by Japanese manga artist, Inoue Takahiko. It was published in six volumes in 1994. The theme of the work was basketball. It described the growth and challenges of high school basketball player Hisashi Mii and his basketball teammates in basketball games. Slam Dunk ended in 2011 for many reasons. First of all, the plot of the manga became too long in the later stages of the manga, and the patience of the readers gradually ran out. This was also one of the reasons why the manga ended. Secondly, Slam Dunk had faced pressure from editors and publishing houses many times before the end of the book to modify and delete the work, which also affected the final ending of the work. In the end, the end of Slam Dunk was also due to the personal reasons of its author, Inoue Takahiko. He announced that he would officially retire from manga creation in 2011, which indirectly led to the end of Slam Dunk.