A name, a signature, and a background picture of a person's circle of friends could usually reflect a person's personality, preferences, social circles, and other information. Here are some information that could be inferred from the name, signature, and background picture of the Moments: Name: - A name usually reflected a person's character and personality. Some popular names such as "Andy" and "Sophie" may imply that a person's personality is more cheerful, independent, or gentle. Some special or difficult to pronounce names might hint at a person's personality or cultural background. - Personal signature: - A personal signature was usually a reflection of a person's personality. Some philosophical or unique signatures might hint at a person's depth of thought or social circle. And some frequently used words or phrases such as " don't forget your original heart " and " forge ahead " might imply a person's determination, optimism, or pursuit. - WeChat Moments background: - The background picture of a person's Moments was usually a reflection of a person's social circle. Some background images with distinctive personal characteristics such as selfies, scenery, animals, etc. may hint at a person's preferences, hobbies, and social circles. Some of the more uniform or repetitive background images might hint at a person's calmness or lack of personality.