Pokémon Special was a manga created by Japanese manga artist Hiroko Hanami. It told the story of the Pokémon series and was published in 1997. The work received widespread attention and love all over the world, becoming a classic anime work. Two of the questions were common in Pokémon specials: What is the background story of the Pokémon series? The story of the Pokémon series takes place in a fictional world. This world is made up of different countries and regions. Each region has its own Pokémon and Pokémon trainer. In this world, Pokémon were regarded as human's best friends. They had wisdom and strength, and could provide help and support to humans. What are the classic characters in the Pokémon series? There were many classic characters in the Pokémon series, including Pikachu, Jenny Turtle, Frog Seed, Ice Elf, Fire Elf, Green Bear, Water Elf, Fire Dragon, Grass Elf, and so on. These characters had unique personalities and storylines that became an indispensable part of the Pokémon series.