The Vampire Rider is a Japanese manga and animation. The plot of each episode in each season is as follows: Season 1: Chapter 1: The establishment of Vampire Hunter D and the story of the trio of vampire hunters and the new vampire nobles in the vampire knights. Chapter 2: One of the main characters in Vampire Hunter D, Yuki, meets the captain of Vampire Hunter D, Zero's demonic spirit. Chapter 3: Yuki meets the demonic spirit of Zero and the vampire hunter trio begins to investigate the vampire incident. Chapter 4: The story of Yagami, one of the new Vampire nobles in the Vampire Knights, and the help of Yuki and Zero's demonic spirit. Season 2: 1: The trio of vampire hunters continue to investigate the vampire incident and discover new enemies. Chapter 2: The story of Yagami and another vampire, Yin Shi, and the encounter between Yuki and Yin Shi. Chapter 3: The encounter between Yuki and Ginshi, as well as the vampire hunter trio solving a series of events. Chapter 4: The story of one of the new vampire nobles in the Vampire Knights, Shu, and the encounter between the Night God Moon and Shu. Season 3: 1: The trio of vampire hunters receive a new quest and discover a new vampire. Chapter 2: The story of Vampire Hunter D, the new Vampire Noble of the Vampire Knights, and the encounter between Shu and Einshi. Chapter 3: The battle between the three vampire hunters and vampire hunter D. The story of Yagami and Yuki takes place. Chapter 4: The encounter between Yagami and Yuki, as well as the vampire hunter trio solving a series of events. Season 4: 1: The trio of vampire hunters receive a new quest and discover a new vampire. Chapter 2: The main character of Vampire Hunter D, the story of Zero's Servant and Silver Time, as well as the encounter between Shu and Yuki. Chapter 3: Vampire Hunter Trio and Vampire Hunter D's Battle Center and Yuki