Naoki Hanzawa was a suspense drama set in the Japanese economic world, with famous Japanese actors Naoki Hanzawa and Tomohisa Yamashita as the main actors. The drama told the story of a young mathematician, Naoki Hanzawa, who faced various difficulties and challenges in his career and finally solved various problems through wisdom and courage. Through the character Naoki Hanzawa, the drama reflected some of the real problems in the Japanese economic world, including financial fraud, corporate competition, political interference, etc. At the same time, the drama also showed the elements of competition, cooperation, and trust in the workplace, making the audience feel the difficulty and growth of the workplace. Naoki Hanzawa was a suspense drama with a compact plot and a complicated plot. The actors also performed very well. The character of Naoki Hanzawa, played by Tomohisa Yamashita, had a clear image and was recognized for his acting skills. All in all, Naoki Hanzawa was an excellent TV series that combined suspense, economy, workplace, and many other elements. It was worth watching.