The map updates starting from League of Legends S2 reflected the importance the game industry placed on balance and playability. During this period, game developers began to pay more attention to the various elements of the game, including terrain, props, and hero skills to ensure the overall balance and playability of the game. Map updates were also an important means for game developers to increase the difficulty and challenge of the game. By updating the map, game developers could add new terrain, obstacles, traps, and other elements to allow heroes and players to encounter more challenges and opportunities in the game. The map update could also increase the game's strategy and depth. Game developers could add more quests and activities to allow players to explore more areas on the map and interact with other players. The map updates starting from League of Legends S2 reflected the importance the game industry placed on balance and playability, as well as the ways game developers increased the difficulty and challenge of the game. These updates also increased the fun and depth of the game, allowing players to gain more experience and fun in the game.