Pokémon was a very popular Japanese anime series. There were seven of them. The first was Pikapika, the second was Pokémon X and Y, the third was Pokémon Diamond Jubilee, the fourth was Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, the fifth was Pokémon Red and Blue, the sixth was Pokémon Special, and the seventh was Pokémon Trading Card Max. The fifth episode of Pokémon: Diamonds and Pearls has a total of 16 episodes, of which 1-4 episodes are the first season, 5-8 episodes are the second season, 9-12 episodes are the third season, and 13-16 episodes are the fourth season. You can watch this anime on the anime player or online video platform. For example, you can watch the first and second seasons of the show on Amazon Prime Video and the third and fourth seasons on Twitter.