Masked Rider 000 was a Japanese TV series that mainly told the story of a group of masked knights fighting against the dark forces. The following are some of the main characters: Reiji: The protagonist of this drama is a young Masked Rider who is also the leader of the other Masked Riders. 2 Misaki (Mikoto Misaki): Long My good friend, a female Masked Rider, is also one of the main villains in this series. 3. Blackwing: A powerful Masked Knight is the natural enemy of other Masked Knights. 4. Touma: A young doctor is also one of the important characters in this drama. 5. Feng Lin (Kaname Feng Lin): A Masked Knight who is also an ally of Long Wo. 6. Tomiho Touma: The production company of this drama is also the leader of the dark forces, one of the villains of this drama. The above is an introduction to some of the main characters in Masked Rider 000.