" City in the Sky " was an animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It told the story of a young pilot and a bird who dreamed of flying. The story takes place in the early 20th century, when a young Japanese pilot, Arthur Taylor, was flying a small homemade plane in the sky, trying to cross the atmosphere near Japan. However, he was forced to land in a mysterious place during a flight due to strong winds and other accidents. There he found a bird that dreamed of flying, trapped in a huge city made of buildings. Arthur and the bird embarked on an adventure through the streets and buildings of the city to explore the secrets and history of the city. They met many different people, including the city's residents, the police, and mysterious figures. In the city, they discovered some secrets, including a mysterious organization and an ancient document, which revealed the connection between the city and the sky. In the end, Arthur and Bird had to face many difficulties and dangers in the city to find a way home. The film attracted the attention of audiences around the world with its unique visual effects and imaginative plot, becoming one of the classics of animated films.