Alien and Predator were a sci-fi horror film series created by the same director, James Cameron. The plot revolved around the conflict between alien creatures and humans. The Alien series consisted of six movies: Alien, Aliens 2, Alien Resurrection, Alien 4 (Alien vs Predator: Alien Monster), Alien 5 (Alien: The Wrath of God), and Alien 6 (Aliens: Prometheus). The Predator series had four titles: AlienAliens, AlienAliens 2, AlienAlienAliens 3, and AlienAlienAliens 4. In the plot, the Alien series described a crew on a spaceship who encountered a series of strange events and discovered a deadly alien creature on board. They then launched a fierce struggle against the creature. The Predator series told the story of a group of aliens fighting against humans on Earth. The series consists of three separate chapters and a final chapter. The Alien and Predator series were filled with horror and horror, becoming one of the representative works of science fiction movies.