Alright, here are some movie recommendations with a philosophy of life: The Shawshank Redemption: This film tells the story of a banker who has spent 20 years in prison. It has become a classic life philosophy film through a powerful story, a description of hope, and a deep understanding of human nature. Forrest Gump: This film tells the story of a boy with low IQ but optimistic, brave and strong. It uses a simple and touching story to explore the meaning of life, love, friendship, life and other philosophical issues. Life Is Beautiful: This film tells the story of a Jewess during World War II. It has become a classic life philosophy film through a touching story depicting the power of love, hope, and courage. The Legend of 1900: This film tells the story of a talented pianist. It uses a beautiful and touching story to explore the meaning of life, music, freedom, dreams and other philosophical issues. Titanic: This film tells the story of a rich girl and a poor painter before the sinking of the Titanic. It portrays philosophical issues such as love, courage, and life through a romantic and touching story. I hope these movies can bring you inspiration and reflection.