There are generally the following routines for the middle school entrance examination essay reading problem solving skills: 1. Understand the general idea of the article: Before solving the problem, you must first carefully read the article to understand the theme, emotion, structure, technique and other elements of the article to grasp the general idea of the article. 2. Analyzing the structure of the article: The essays in the middle school entrance examination are mostly argumentative or explanatory essays. Their structure often presents a total score or a total score structure. It needs to be analyzed according to the structural characteristics of the article. 3 determine the key words: key words are the core of the article is the key to understand the article, you need to read carefully to grasp its meaning and role. 4. Understanding emotional tendencies: essays often express the author's emotional tendencies. You need to read carefully to understand the author's emotional expressions and tendencies. 5. Inferring the author's intention: The essay reading of the middle school entrance examination usually involves the author's intention or theme. It is necessary to infer the author's intention or theme according to the content, structure, and technique of the article. It should be noted that the reading and problem solving skills of the middle school entrance examination are not fixed. It needs to be flexible according to the specific type of questions and the type of article. At the same time, it needs to pay attention to the understanding of the article and not just stay on the surface of the problem solving.