The Kaneda Ichijoshi Story Book was a Japanese manga and novel that told the adventures of a young detective, Kaneda Ichikosuke. The following is the introduction of the episode: First episode: This episode tells the story of Kaneda Ichigensuke's first appearance as a young detective sent to investigate a mysterious murder case. This case is very difficult because all the clues have been sealed. Kaneda Izumi had to use his wisdom and courage to find the real murderer. Second episode: This episode was about Kaneda Ichigensuke and a female detective working together to investigate a murder case. In this case, Kaneda Ichigensuke found an obvious scar on the victim's neck, but he could not find the real murderer. In the end, he uncovered the truth of the whole case through communication and reasoning with the female detective. Third episode: This episode was about Kaneda Ichigensuke and a policeman investigating a robbery. In this case, a suspect was accused of being the murderer, but Kaneda Izumi discovered that there were some suspicious points. Through careful investigation and reasoning, he finally uncovered the truth of the entire case. The fourth episode: This episode was about Kaneda Ichigensuke and a mysterious person working together to investigate a missing person case. In this case, a young girl suddenly disappeared and Kaneda Izumi and the mysterious person had to find her together. In the process, they found many clues and mysteries, but they also found some unusual things. Fifth episode: This episode was about Kaneda Ichigensuke and a junior high school student investigating an arson case together. In this case, a junior high school student was accused of being the murderer, but he did not admit his crime. Kaneda Ichigensuke and the junior high school student had to find evidence to prove his crimes.