Detective Conan was a Japanese manga and animation about a high school detective, Kudo Shinichi, who was forced to take a small medicine while investigating the dark organization. He became a primary school student, Conan. Together with the primary school student, Conan, they exposed the secret of the organization and protected the innocent. The following is the plot introduction of Detective Conan: 1. The roller coaster murder (episodes 1 - 99) Conan and his primary school assistant Kogoro investigate a series of roller coaster killings, including those in Japan and those around the world. Magic Duel (100 - 139 episodes) This episode tells the story of Conan and Kogoro investigating the Japanese magic organization, including the murder of magic performances and the battle between magic lovers. Members of the Dark Organization (140 - 168 episodes) This episode tells the story of Conan and his primary school assistant Kogoro, who revealed the secrets of the Dark Organization, including the organization's targets and member list. 4. Tracking the Missing Kidnapping Escape Vehicle (169 - 194 episodes) This episode tells the story of Conan and his elementary school assistant, Kogoro, tracking down a kidnap escape car and finding clues about the organization. The Magician at the End of the Fifth Century (195 - 207 episodes) This episode tells the story of Conan and his elementary school assistant Kogoro, who revealed the Magician's Plan at the end of the century, including the battle between magicians and the truth of the plan. The Assassin in the Pupils (episodes 208 - 223) This episode tells the story of Conan and his elementary school assistant, Kogoro, tracking down an assassin and discovering clues about the organization. The Detective's Night Song (224~240 episodes) This episode tells the story of Conan and his primary school assistant Kogoro and his detective team investigating a series of cases, including the Japanese detectives 'Night Thoughts Song and the detectives from all over the world's Night Thoughts Song. 8. Sweet, Sweet, Cold Milk Candy (241~260 episodes) This episode tells the story of Conan and his elementary school assistant, Kogoro, investigating the mysterious death of a woman and discovering clues about the organization. The Crossroads of the Maze (261 - 274 episodes) This episode tells the story of Conan and his primary school assistant Kogoro investigating a series of cases at the intersection of the maze, including the Valentine's Day murder and the battle between lovers.