Naruto was a Japanese manga series created by Kishimoto Saishi and started in 1999. The story narrated Naruto's father, the Uzumaki clan, and the grievances between the Uchiha clan, as well as Naruto's growth. The story takes place in the fictional ninja world, where ninjas use various ninjutsu to fight. Among them, the ninjas of the Uchiha clan used the forbidden technique "Uchiha clan's Shurunan" to become one of the top ninjas in the world. Naruto was a young ninja with a strong talent for ninjutsu and an indomitable spirit. As he grew up, he encountered many difficulties and challenges, including his grievances with Uchiha Sasuke and his emotional entanglement with Hatata. Naruto's story was rich and colorful, and it was deeply loved by readers.