The Shawshank Redemption was a very successful film, known as the best in film history. However, it did not win any awards at the Oscars. This could be due to a variety of factors, including the Oscar selection criteria, the performance of the film itself, and the political environment at the time. The Oscar committee had strict criteria and procedures for distributing awards to films. These criteria and procedures could be influenced by political, cultural, historical and many other factors. Therefore, sometimes a work might be excluded from the award because it did not meet the criteria of the selection committee or because of certain political factors. The Shawshank Redemption performed well in terms of film production, plot, character performance, music, etc. However, it might have been influenced by other factors during the selection process, such as the political environment at that time, social public opinion, etc. Although The Shawshank Redemption was a very good film, the fact that it didn't win an Oscar didn't mean that it had no value or influence. This movie had become a classic and was loved and praised by audiences all over the world.