" Detective Conan " was a detective mystery novel created by the Japanese manga artist Aoyama Gangchang. The story revolved around the high school detective Kudo Shinichi and his assistant Conan, as well as the members of the Junior Detective Group, Ai, Mitsuhiko, Genta, and others. Kudo Shinichi was a mysterious detective who was known as the pinnacle of the Japanese public security system. He had superb detective skills and excellent reasoning skills, often solving all kinds of complicated cases. His identity was a high school detective, so he often hid his true identity and used the fake identity of Conan when investigating cases. Conan was a mysterious detective. His real name was Conan Edogawa, and he was a high school student. He had superb observation and analysis abilities, and could discover the truth through minute details and clues. His identity was a detective who would use the fake identity of Conan when investigating a case. Ai was a cute girl and Conan's childhood sweetheart. She was a high school student with congenital heart disease, so she often needed to take leave. She had keen observation and judgment to help Conan solve the case. Mitsuhiko was a quick-witted primary school student and Conan's good friend and classmate. He has a super memory and computing power that can help Conan solve some complicated problems. Genta was a cute boy who was also Conan's friend and classmate. He had superb judgment and reaction ability to provide some help to Conan. These characters were the main characters in Detective Conan. They played important roles in the story and presented a wonderful detective mystery story to the audience.