Some tools or software can be used to adjust the order of the novels stored in the MP4. The specific steps are as follows: 1 Use a software or tool such as an MP4 player or video editing software to put the novel file into the memory of the MP4. 2 Find the options or settings option in the menu of the MP4 player or editing software and select the save option. 3 Under the "Storage" option, find the "file system" option and select the desired storage format. For example, if you wanted to save the novel file in the form of a document, you would need to select the 'PDF'. 4 Find the "Order" option under the "Filesystems" option and choose the order of the movie or novel files you want. You can choose to arrange the novel files by chapter or title, or by author or release date. 5 After confirming the selection, the MP4 player or editing software will reload the novel files in the selected order and display them in the MP4.