" Remnant Sin " was a crime drama directed by Lin Shen and starred by Xu Jingyi and Xiao Xu. The drama told the story of a college student who had committed a crime after graduation because of his inextricable relationship with some people in society. He fell into the whirlpool of crime and finally succeeded in clearing his name through his own efforts and the help of the police. Through the growth of the protagonist Yu Sin, the play shows the complexity and change of modern society, but also reflects the dark side of human nature and the division of social classes. The production level of the play was high, and the performance of the actors was also recognized by the audience. At the same time, the drama also portrayed the image of the police by portraying the role of the police to show the pressure and complexity of the police's work. " Remnant Sin " was an excellent crime themed TV series. Through the struggle and growth of the protagonist, it reflected the reality of society and the complexity of human nature, leaving a deep impression on the audience.