The life resources of street dance are as follows: The Story and Plot Resources of the Life of Street Dance: The Life of Street Dance is a popular online novel that tells the story of the protagonist's growth and the rise and transformation of the street dance culture. You can read this novel to understand the background, character setting, and storyline of the life of street dance. 2. Character Resources for Street Dance Life: There are many characters in Street Dance Life novels, and each character has its own unique personality and experience. You can read the novel to understand each character's personality, background story, and character image in order to better understand the story of the life of hip-hop. 3. Music resources for the life of street dance: The story of the life of street dance involves a large number of cultural elements of street dance, including the history, style, skills and dance performances of street dance. You can better understand the dance elements in the novel by reading the novel to understand the music background of the hip-hop life and the characteristics of the hip-hop culture. 4. Acting resources for the life of street dance: The characters in the novel of the life of street dance have excellent acting skills and dance skills. They have unique insights and styles in dance and performance. You can read the novel to understand the dance performance and acting skills of the hip-hop life and better appreciate the dance elements in the novel.