Security deposit was a common recruitment method, but it needed to be treated with caution. The website's credibility and reputation, as well as the company's qualifications and background, should be carefully examined when hiring part-time jobs on Ganji. He needed to know whether the company had legal registration and license, whether it had a good reputation in the industry, and whether it had relevant industry experience. At the same time, he also needed to check the information on the company's website to see if it included a detailed company introduction, contact information, recruitment information, and so on. If you have any doubts about the company's reputation and background, you can consult the relevant supervisory agencies or social complaint agencies. If you decide to join this part-time job, you need to fulfill your responsibilities seriously, work according to the company's requirements, and pay your salary on time. If you encounter any problems or difficulties at work, you can seek help or advice from the company. In short, when hiring part-time jobs, you need to be cautious about the way you pay the deposit. Try to choose a company that has legal registration and license, good reputation, and industry experience. And seriously perform your duties to ensure your safety and interests.