There are many movies similar to Exile that can be referred to as follows: "The Shawshank Redemption": This is a classic film directed by Frank Delabonte about a banker who uses his wits and perseverance to win his freedom after being wrongly convicted and imprisoned. Django Unchained: This is a movie directed by James Cameron about a black slave who lives in the United States after being released. It combines historical, political, and racial issues. Forrest Gump: This is a film directed by Robert Zemecris, which tells the story of a man with a low IQ but an optimistic, brave and fearless man. It covers war, love, and life experiences. Interstellar: This is a sci-fi film directed by Kristoff Nolan about a group of astronauts who leave Earth and pass through a wormhole to save humanity. The above movies all have different styles and theme. You can choose one to watch according to your preferences.