The classic inspirational sentence in "Many Bays" is as follows: Life is like a mirror. If you smile at her, she will smile at you. If you want something in return, you need to put in the effort. There was nothing more important than living in this world. No matter what difficulties you face, as long as you persist in living, there will always be a chance to realize your dreams. In this world, everyone has their own story, everyone has their own path to take. No matter what path you choose, as long as you put your heart into it, you will definitely reach your destination. Nothing in this world is eternal. Even if you once had something, it might disappear with the passage of time. Therefore, he had to cherish everything in front of him and not lose the beauty in front of him. Success in this world is not accidental. Only by putting in a lot of effort could one reap true success. If you want to succeed, you have to work hard, struggle, and persevere.