Detective Chinatown was a crime mystery drama directed by Tang Ren and starred by Wang Baoqiang, Liu Haoran, Xiao Yang, and others. The drama tells the story of Tang Ren and Qin Feng's Chinatown Detective Team searching for the murderer all over the world. The production of the drama was very meticulous in terms of setting, special effects, and so on. It brought a very shocking visual experience to the audience. The plot was compact and fast paced, but there were also many in-depth discussions about human nature, beliefs, and other issues. The performance of the actors in the play was also very good. Wang Baoqiang and Liu Haoran's acting skills were very good, and Xiao Yang interpreted a villain role very well. In addition, the music of the play was also very good. The use of background music and sound effects made the plot even more tense and exciting. Overall, Detective Chinatown was an excellent crime mystery drama. Not only was the plot compact, but the production was also excellent. The actors performed well. It gave the audience a good experience and, to a certain extent, promoted the development of criminal reasoning in Chinese TV dramas.