Detective Conan was a detective and mystery manga created by Japanese manga artist Aoyama Gangchang. Aoyama Gangchang had started to serialize Detective Conan in 1994, and it was still in production. The main character of the work was the high school detective, Kudo Shinichi. The plot revolved around his detective team and the mysterious dark organization. The main content was to solve the case with Conan and others. Aoyama Gangchang's works had a unique style, smooth lines, and characters that were deeply loved by Japanese manga readers. His representative works included Death Note, Gate of the Fate Stone, Silver Soul, and so on. Aoyama Gangchang was known as an outstanding representative of the Japanese manga industry. His style and storyline were deeply loved by readers, and he had won various manga awards and honors many times.
The author of Detective Conan was Aoyama Tsuyoshi.
The author of Detective Conan was Aoyama Tsuyoshi.
The author of Detective Conan, Aoyama Tsutomasa, had not passed away yet. On January 8, 2019, Aoyama Gunsho announced that he would complete the series of Detective Conan within the next six months and that he would resign from his manga if he could not complete it. Aoyama Tsuyoshi is currently working hard on his work, so we don't know if he has passed away.
The author of Detective Conan was Aoyama Tsuyoshi.
The author of Detective Conan was Aoyama Tsuyoshi.
The author of Detective Conan, Aoyama Gangchang (Akira Izumi), was a Japanese manga artist born on January 18, 1980. He started serializing Detective Conan in 1994 and it is still in the works. "Detective Conan" was a detective mystery manga. It featured a Japanese high school detective, Kudo Shinichi, as the main character. It told the story of him and the primary school detective, Conan, as well as the story of Conan and his assistants solving various mysterious incidents. Aoyama Gangchang's works had a unique style, with suspense, reasoning, and crime as the theme, while also integrating traditional Japanese cultural elements. He had extensive influence and a fan base in the Japanese comics industry, and was known as the "national" of the Japanese comics industry. In addition to Detective Conan, Aoyama Gangchang also created many other well-known manga works such as Magic Duel, Sword Art Online, Death Note, etc. Aoyama had won many important awards and honors, including the highest honor in the Japanese comics industry, the title of "God of Japanese Comics". He lived a very low-key life. He only interacted with readers through social media and rarely made public appearances.
The author of Detective Conan, Aoyama Tsutomasa, passed away on January 31, 2019 at the age of 50.
The author of Detective Conan was Aoyama Tsuyoshi.
The author of Detective Conan was Aoyama Tsuyoshi.
The author of Detective Conan was Aoyama Tsuyoshi.