
How did the Martial Soul of the Heavenly Dragon Eight increase its fusion level? (Details)

2024-09-10 21:56
1 answer

In《Heavenly Dragon Eight》, spirits were upgraded through synthesis. Martial soul synthesis required a certain amount of materials and special synthesis materials. These materials could be purchased from NPCs or obtained through synthesis. The synthetic materials needed to be arranged in a certain order. Only by arranging the special synthetic materials in the correct order could a high quality spirit be synthesized. The process of spirit synthesis was as follows: 1. The player needs to collect enough materials and special synthetic materials. These materials could be obtained by killing monsters, completing missions, purchasing items, and so on. 2. Player needs to go to the NPC "King of Soul Masters" to use synthetic materials for synthesis. The King of Spirit Masters was located in the Nanhua Sutra area, where one could synthesize spirits of different ranks. 3. In the Soul Masters 'King, players needed to choose the method of combining their martial souls, including the combination level, combination type, additional attributes, and so on. The players had to choose according to their own needs. 4. The synthesis process requires a certain amount of Vitality and Stamina. Players need to ensure that they are in good condition. 5. After successful synthesis, the player can obtain a new martial soul. The level and attributes of the martial soul will be different from the original martial soul. The synthesis of martial souls required a lot of time and resources, but through continuous synthesis and leveling, players could obtain more resources and skill points to increase their strength.

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1 answer
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1 answer
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1 answer
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1 answer
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1 answer
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1 answer
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1 answer
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1 answer
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1 answer
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1 answer
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