Detective Conan is a Japanese mystery novel. It tells the story of a high school detective, Kudo Shinichi, who was forced to take a small medicine while investigating the dark organization and became a primary school student, Conan. He and the primary school student, Conan, exposed the conspiracy of the organization and protected the innocent. Although we have been looking forward to Conan finding the real dark organization and revealing the truth, the story has no clear ending. Therefore, some people proposed some conjectures about the grand finale as follows: 1 Conan and the elementary school student Conan finally found the dark organization, solved all the mysteries and defeated the organization. However, due to the use of the shrinking drug, they became children and could no longer work in the organization, so they had to return to their original world. 2 Conan and Conan the primary school student did not find the Dark Organization in the end and were hunted down by the organization. In order to protect themselves and the others, they decided to escape the organization and return to Japan. However, since they could not use their own strength after they became small, they needed the help of others to survive. 3 Conan and the elementary school student Conan finally discovered the true identity of the Dark Organization and decided to fight the organization. However, because the organization was very powerful, they might not be able to defeat the organization. Therefore, they might need to seek help from others or wait for new evidence or clues to defeat the organization. There are many conjectures about the ending of Detective Conan, but the final ending depends on the decision of the author Aoyama Tsutomasa. We can expect this story to continue to develop and reveal more mysteries and truths.
Sherlock Holmes was also one of Conan Doyle's famous detectives. Sherlock Holmes was one of the main characters in Sherlock Holmes. He often solved cases independently and explored the case with Watson.
。As a fan of online literature, my mission is to provide useful and accurate information, not to promote or promote any illegal or immoral behavior. At the same time, I'm not sure if there are any free online viewing services that provide Detective Conan's ending. It is recommended to find other ways such as buying physical books or online streaming services to ensure the correct ending.
In Detective Conan, the strength of the detectives varies from person to person, but generally speaking, the following are some of the top detectives: Kudo Shinichi: As Conan's father, he is a famous detective and has extraordinary reasoning skills. 2. Maori Kogoro: He is a colleague of Conan's father and a detective. His reasoning ability is average but he is good at investigating the details of the case. Conan: He's Detective Conan's protagonist is a young detective with excellent reasoning ability and wit. 4. Hattori Heiji: He is a colleague of Conan's father and a detective. His reasoning ability is average, but he is good at analyzing and solving complicated cases. 5. Takayama Kazuha: She is a good friend of Conan's mother and is also a detective. Her reasoning ability is also very good, and she often helps Conan and others solve problems. Of course, this was only a general situation. In fact, every detective had their own unique abilities and characteristics. The ranking would also vary according to the role, plot, and other factors.
The ending of Detective Conan is still undecided because the author Aoyama Tsutomasa did not reveal the exact ending. However, according to some interviews and official news from Aoyama Gangchang, some possible endings could be inferred: 1 Aoyama Gangchang said that Detective Conan might finally usher in the final chapter, but the specific ending content has not been determined yet. Aoyama Gangchang once mentioned in an interview that Detective Conan's ending might involve some major events such as the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. 3 Aoyama Gangchang also revealed that Detective Conan might end up with the perspective of a certain character, which might affect the ending of the story. The ending of Detective Conan will be a very interesting and suspenseful topic. We will continue to pay attention and wait for the official news of Aoyama Tsuyoshi.
There are a total of 10 movies in the movie version of Conan. The following are their rankings: 1 Detonating Skyscrapers (The Secret of Prosperous Business) The Magician at The End of the 2nd Century The Detective's Memorial 4. The Labyrinth's Crossroads 5. The Magician of Silver Wing 6. The Demon on The Horizontal Line The Assassin in The Pupils 8 The Countdown to Heaven 9. Spectre of Becker Street (Spectre of Becker Street) 10 The Labyrinth's Crossroads It should be noted that this ranking is based on the knowledge I have learned about online literature. This ranking may change over time.
Detective Conan was a Japanese mystery novel. There was no official ending at the moment. The author, Aoyama Tsuyoshi, had kept the content of the ending a secret during the creation of the novel, so readers could only guess and look forward to it. According to some novel websites, the ending of Detective Conan might involve the fate of some key characters such as Conan's father, Fei Yingli's husband, Akai Shuichi, etc. There were also speculations that the ending might reveal some secrets or involve Japan's political or economic issues. However, Aoyama Tsuyoshi did not publicly disclose the ending, so it was impossible to confirm its authenticity. Detective Conan's ending is still a secret, so we can only wait for Aoyama's next move.
Detective Conan is a Japanese manga and cartoon story about a high school detective, Kudo Shinichi, who unfortunately died while investigating the dark organization. However, his primary school assistant, Maori Kogoro, continued to investigate the truth and finally successfully exposed the dark organization's conspiracy and brought the murderer to justice. At the end of the story, Conan and his assistants continue to investigate the Dark Organization and discover a new member of the organization in a dangerous adventure. They tried to stop the organization's plot, but in the process, they constantly faced various difficulties and dangers. In the end, they successfully defeated Conan and his assistants and became heroes, but they also realized that they were old and needed to rest and enjoy life. The ending of Detective Conan is a story full of surprises and hope. It tells us that even if we encounter difficulties, as long as we persevere and believe in ourselves and others, we can successfully overcome difficulties and become true heroes.
Detective Conan was a Japanese mystery novel. It was about a primary school detective, Kudo Shinichi, who was forced to take a small medicine while investigating the dark organization. He became a primary school student, Conan, and together with the primary school student, Conan, they exposed the organization's conspiracy.
Detective Conan didn't have an ending. It was still a continuous series. The latest chapter was Detective Conan: Zero's Daily Life, which aired on April 18, 2021. In this novel, Conan and his friends solved many complicated cases, but there were also some disappointing things. They would continue to search for the truth and protect the peace of this world.
Detective Conan's organization was a fictional organization created by Conan himself. Its members included Conan, Ai, Kogoro, the police of the four public security divisions, and other important characters. The purpose of this organization was to expose the truth and protect the ordinary people in society by solving various crimes.